Humans of Myanmar Military | Calling for artworks and artistic presentations

Humans of Myanmar Military | Calling for artworks and artistic presentations

We invite you to participate in an artistic presentation in different media forms (poetry/article/painting/animation/song/video) that reflects the experiences of human rights violations, discrimination, and oppression within the Myanmar military.

The "Humans of Myanmar Military" art presentation program is organized by the People's Goal Organization to make known the experiences of human rights violations, discrimination and oppression in the Myanmar military. The aim is to allow military personnel, who took refuge in the arms of the people and stood with the people in the 2021 Spring Revolution, to express themselves and their experiences in the military in art forms.

Interested participants can enter the competition by submitting original articles, poems, paintings, drawings, songs, videos etc. The period of submission is from May 26 to June 25.

Those who meet the following criteria can participate and selected artworks will be notified in the first week of July. Ten selected artworks will be awarded with prizes and be presented to the people of the world who are standing together with Myanmar’s Spring Revolution.

1. The artistic depictions are based on the events and experiences that took place in the Myanmar military.

2. The participant must be military personnel or member of the police force who joined the side of the people after the 2021 military coup. Family members of these personnel are also welcome to participate.

3. The artwork should be freely expressed based on one’s own experience.

4. It must be one’s own work that has not been submitted to other organizations.

5. Participants must respect the results determined in accordance with the principles of the People's Goal Editorial Board.

6. The ten selected artworks will be presented to the public on the website of the People's Goals Organization.

7. The artworks are the property of the participants, and if presentations are to be made on other platforms, they will be consulted.

8. Submissions should be sent by email to with the subject line “Art Submission: (name of your submission)” or via Telegram at

9. Please submit the CDM Code, contact number, Signal, Telegram, and Viber numbers together with the artwork submission. If a CDM Code has not yet been obtained please provide the CDM Code and contact details of another person who has already obtained one and can act as guarantor.

10. The last date for submission is June 25.

For more details please reach us via -

People's Goal Facebook Page Messenger or Telegram and Viber (+66 94 652 9985).


A rose that always blossoms
