Despite criticisms for not achieving victory yet, the Myanmar revolution is seen as gaining territorial control and holds strong public support.

The Paung Sie Lan Fellowship Program April Activities
In cooperation with partner organizations and People’s Goal, the Paung Sie Lan program was launched on April 1, 2024, with the aim of building capacity for sustainable reintegration and democratic leadership.

People’s Goal Welcomes Defecting SAC Soldiers FROM KAWKAREIK
On May 4th, three soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion-230, under the 12th Military Brigade based in Kawkareik, defected, bringing along three guns and ammunition with them.

A Writing on a Helmet
"I miss you..."
Three simple words. Who wrote them? Where were they written? Why were they written?
Indeed, these words were written by a fallen soldier of the SAC. He had written such a sentence on his helmet with a correction pen, presumably as a form of expressing the emotions he had been experiencing.

Mizoram State: People’s Goal Supports CDM Soldiers, Police, and Their Families from the Champai Camp
On April 12, on behalf of People’s Goal, CDM Captain Kaung Thu Win donated 10 bags of rice worth 1,000,000 Kyats, 2 bags of beans, and 3 cartons of cooking oil for CDM soldiers, police, and their families.

Myanmar military junta faces reduced fighting capabilities as it experiences an increasing amount of its troops surrendering
On April 11th, 2024, Mizzima News Media reported that the number of military junta troops who surrendered after the "1027 Operation" totals about 6,065 personnel. This number is based on a survey from a specific locality, but if we consider the number of surrenders from various locations, the total may be as high as 7,000.
No matter how hard the military junta tries, it is unlikely that it can maintain its diminishing power for long. It will be very difficult to fix the weakened morale of its troops and the rapid reduction in the number of capable fighting forces.

Spouses of soldiers: beware the military’s ploys
On March 11, 2024, the Regional Commander of the Northern Command made an announcement stating a donation of 200 lakhs allocated to spouses of soldiers for defending the base camps in Momauk and Bhamo. This news has been widely spread by military lobbyists. Yet, let us scrutinize the reality.

PRESS RELEASE on 2nd Forum on Defection and Defiance Movement
2nd Forum on Defection and Defiance Movement, hosted by People’s Goal & Freedom Fighter Myanmar, featured 129 participants including military defectors, partners, & civil society leaders, highlighting unwavering dedication to the cause.

Basic support for Myanmar democracy activists, including CDMs in Thailand
In February 2024, for the second time, People's Goal helped distribute basic supports at relevant locations. The second batch consisted of 34 soldiers/polices CDMs, 17 civilian CDMs, and 23 other democracy activists from various sectors, totaling 74 people. We were able to share and support an amount of 20 million kyats for house rent, food and security expenses.

Support for Military Council Defectors by People's Goal
In February, within Karen State, soldiers Nyan Shwe Oo (Private, TATA-××××69) and Aung Lin Naing (Private, TATA-××××47), formerly part of Military Council No (75) Infantry Battalion within KNU Brigade (3), defected to the people's side, armed with full weapons and ammunition. The KNU Brigade (3) warmly received these two soldiers and facilitated their transportation to liberated territories.

People's Goal Issues Guidelines to Support Conscripts
In an effort to support citizens facing mandatory military service enacted by the terrorist military council, People's Goal, our organization, has compiled a set of essential tips for conscripts.

Voices of Defectors Who Have Entered the Revolutionary Path
Myanmar military defectors allege abuse and discrimination, highlighting better treatment and morale within the resistance movement. They urge soldiers to defect and join the fight for freedom.

Taung NGU District: Supporting the People's Cause Together
7 CDM soldiers from the 3502nd Battalion and 4 police officers and their families in Taung Nu District received 830,000 Kyats in aid on January 27th, thanks to the generous support of the People's Goal.

Excerpt from People’s Goal CDM Soldiers Conversation, “Building Command, Adhering to Military Ethics”
It is known that the revolutionary forces treat prisoners of war according to international law. Yet, the military not only tortures captured prisoners but also kills innocent civilians. Soldiers must uphold military discipline and international law.

A Message by Interim President Duwal Lashi La Aired at the Opening of the Defection Forum
A three-day meeting on defection and the political resistance movement, organized by People's Goal and Freedom Fighter Myanmar, took place virtually via Zoom from January 29 to 31, 2024. Interim President Duwal Shila opened the forum with a televised address.
The event served as a platform for defectors, including soldiers and police officers, to share their experiences and perspectives on supporting the people's movement. Representatives from various international organizations also participated in the discussions.