Spring Revolution Daily News for 30th June 2021
People wait behind barricades for their relatives to be released outside the main entrance of Insein prison compound in Yangon, Myanmar, 30 June 2021. Photo: EPA
The original article was written by Mizzima on 01 July 2021, and can be found here: https://www.mizzima.com/article/spring-revolution-daily-news-30th-june-2021-0.
Yangon Region
Myanmar Now’s multimedia reporter Kay Zon Nway is among the 700-plus people released from Insein Prison on Wednesday. The authorities released a total of more than 2,000 anti-coup protesters from prisons across the country on Wednesday, including local journalists jailed after reporting critically on the junta's bloody crackdown.
The youth from Sanchaung, Mingala Taung Nyunt and Kyimyindine townships made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship at crowded places in the city on Wednesday morning.
The military junta announced that they had withdrawn the lawsuits with Section (505-a) against 24 artists for joining the anti-junta movement. They will take legal action against them if those artists do it again.
In Insein Township, a 50-year old man named U Maung Maung, said to be an informer to the military junta in Painnegone, was shot dead on Thayetchan (3) street at about 8:00 am Wednesday.
Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Minister of Education and Health- NUG, had said that the D-Day period would come in the very near future. Regarding it, Nyi Thuta Facebook account user, who was also a CDM military officer, made criticism and condemnation. People’s Defense Army (Yangon) announced that if he continued to do so, they would regard him as a traitor and take revenge on him.
At about 2:15 pm, a car of the junta police stopped across Monlatsaungone Upper street and Kyundaw road in Sanchaung Township and blocked them off for an unknown reason. The streets were reopened at about 4:00 pm.
At about 2:50 pm, there was an explosion in front of Ward (9) administration office on Yegyaw road in Bazundaung Township. A trishaw driver was injured and so was another person. The junta armed forces arrived there and blocked off the road starting from Maung Aye tea-shop. They then made inspections around the scene.
Ma Ei Shwe Sin Lin, a second year student of Yangon Nursing University, was unjustly arrested by the junta armed forces on 22nd May. According to Nursing Students’ Union, she has been released now.
Mandalay Region
In Ward (P) of Pyigyi Dagon Township, a junta informer U Tin Tun had an argument with a land-owner on the morning of 28th June. He called the junta armed forces, who then came and fired ammunition. Ko Wai Phyo Aung, a resident of Myayi Nanda Ward in Chanmya Thazi Township, was hit with the bullet and died while he was watching the argument. The junta armed forces didn’t give his dead body to his family and disposed of it by burning. The military junta told lies that they had to shoot back as they were attacked with pieces of brick while they were trying to keep the argument under control.
In Zayetgwin village of Thapaitgyin Township, the junta armed forces arrested two villagers named U Nyi Nyi Tun and U Maw Gyi, and four workers at the farm of U Nyi Nyi Tun on Tuesday morning, accusing them of having affiliation with a PDF and supporting the CDM.
A rally of Mandalay youth, in cooperation with Cooperative University students, took to the streets on Wednesday morning and expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
Amidst mobile patrols by the junta armed forces, a rally of Man Aungmye Thazan Schools expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship.
·A rally of Man Chanmya Thazi went to Manawhari road and expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
Manlay Pyinyat Monks’ Union take to the streets every day without fail and peacefully protest against the military dictatorship.
In Mandalay, the junta armed forces have been patrolling with ordinary cars and motorbikes. They fired ammunition at No. (1) police station in Aungmye Thazan Township on Tuesday night, according to a local resident of East Palace.
In Myingyan Township, U Kyaw Win, the junta-appointed administrator of Ward (17) and a former soldier, was shot by some unknown people in Ward (18) at about 8:40 pm Tuesday. Reportedly, he was injured in the arm.
In Kula village of Ngazun Township, Aung Zaw Min, the junta-appointed administrator, led junta armed forces to raid the village and threaten to shoot some villagers dead. On 28th June, the junta armed forces had raided the village and opened fire. At that time, an aunt of the administrator had been hit with a bullet.
Bago Region
According to local residents, the junta armed forces in 3 military trucks and 2 police cars opened gunfire many times as a threatening act at the cross-roads in Shwe Taung Township on Tuesday night. They did so after the news came out that public protests would be conducted on Wednesday morning.
In Seikgyi village of Kyaukgyi Township, the junta armed forces opened fire and raided the house of Ko Aye Lwin or Ko Nu Pin on the night of 28th June. Both he and his wife had to run away. The raid happened as he allegedly had sent knifes and lead to Kyaukgyi on a motorbike taxi.
In Taungoo Township, five people including a religious teacher were beaten and arrested at 11:00 pm on 27th June, with the excuse that they had been making weapons in Bwe-Mobwa religious compound. They were released on bail on Tuesday evening.
In Paungte Township, U Aung Zaw Latt, administrator of Gyogone village group, was shot dead in the head near Agayapyae village while he was riding a motorbike with his wife on the way to Paungte. As for his wife, she escaped. Bago PDF announced that their Pyi District Guerrilla Force had carried it out.
At about noon Wednesday, there was an explosion near No. (1) police station in Taungoo. Enquiries are being made if there were any injuries.
Ayeyarwady Region
In Ngathein Chaung Township, there were no less than four explosions near the hospital and some other places in town at about 8:00 pm Tuesday. The junta armed forces fired ammunition as a threatening act in response.
In Ngaputaw Township, the regional administration council has instructed the administrators and staff members to get the better of the youth in the township who have completed PDF training and catch them.
Among those in detention who may have been released by the military junta in Ayeyarwady Region, Dr. Than Min Htut and three journalists were included.
Sagaing Region
In Carbo village of Kantbalu Township, a 38-year-old villager named Ko Myo Win died due to an attack of those in the convoy of military-backed USDP during an election campaign last October. Regarding the case, 15 USDP members had been arrested. Reportedly, Daw Hla May, the wife of Ko Myo Win, submitted a letter to court on 22nd May to withdraw the lawsuit in these cases.
In Htaught Gyant village of Kalay Township, the junta armed forces had arrested the wife and the 14-year-old daughter of U Tun Wai for not finding him in their raid. Those hostages, Daw Aye Aye Myint and Ma Hnin Ei Ei San, were released on Tuesday evening.
On Wednesday, Tantsi PDF called for the establishment of disaster management teams in wards and villages as there may be serious violence by the military junta.
At about 5:30 am, there was an explosion at the entrance of BEHS (1) on Lammadaw street in the northern ward of Katha Township.
A rally comprising hundreds of villagers from Yinmabin East and Salingyi North protested against the military dictatorship.
In Salingyi Township, Latbadaung Taung General Strike expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
In Yinmabin Township, Ko Myint Hlaing and Ko Nga Min, said to be junta informers in Thigone village, were found dead on Monywa-Kalay road. It is still unknown which group carried this out.
A rally of Monywa General Strike went around the town with motorbikes and expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship.
In Tantsi Township, Daw May Zin Oo, known as the junta informer in Kanlegone village, was attacked on Tuesday evening. Reportedly, she died on Wednesday morning.
Local residents of Tantsi went round the villages in the township and expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
Magwe Region
Ma Thwe Yati Oo, Ko Min Thein Kyaw and Ko Si Hein from Magwe Medical University were arrested on 28th February for joining the anti-junta movements. They had been in detention for more than 120 days with the charge of Section (505-a). They have now been released.
PDF Myaing has been established to protect the public and CDM staff members in Myaing Township of Pakkoku District, and to fight against the military junta.
22 men and 4 women have been released from Magwe prison. However, Mg Lyan Phyo Aung was not one of them. He was a final year student of engineering who had lost an arm and an eye lens in the crackdown of the armed forces on the anti-junta movement. The military junta have not allowed him to receive medical treatment for his eye and keep him in detention.
Taninthayi Region
In Thayetchaung Township, the rallies of Thingyun and Nyaungzin went round the villages on Wednesday morning and protested against the military dictatorship.
In Longlone Township, local residents of Maungmagan village made a protest at dawn for the downfall of the military dictatorship. Amidst the heavy rain, the public from Nyinmaw and Lower Yebyu villages expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship, holding signs- “We will never kneel down before your army boots”. The people in Kyetyetdwin and Mainmachaw villages held an indoors strike with anti-junta posters at noon. A rally of Longlone Strike went around the township in the evening and expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
Since 6:00 am Wednesday, the junta armed forces had been inspecting all the vehicles passing through the check-points at the entrance of Dawei. They also conducted mobile patrols in every street in town.
In Dawei, residents of the eastern area made a protest against the military dictatorship. Amidst tight security measures by the junta armed forces, Shammadwin villagers made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship.
In Yebyu Township, the local people of Kanbauk conducted a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship, holding signs - “All the revolution flowers will bloom”.
Kachin State
At about 5:00 am Wednesday, KIA attacked the check-point at (22) miles in Myitgyina Township. A junta policeman died, two others were injured and one was missing. During the
exchanges of fire, a man named Ko Anyatha from the near-by restaurant was hit with a bullet and lost his life.
At about 1:40 pm Wednesday, the junta armed forces made air-strikes in the area under the influence of KIA regiment (11) in Myitgyina Township. Reportedly, there was no injury.
At about 9:00 am Wednesday, the junta armed forces on patrol mistakenly carried out shooting at farmers outside of Dauphoneyan in Bamaw District.
Since 3:00 am, the junta armed forces had been shooting with mortars at Tawadinegone in Ywathit village of Moemauk Township. In May, there were heavy fighting between KIA and the military at that hill. As the junta armed forces had a great loss there, they used the help of air-strikes in their attack.
In Pha-Kant Township, local residents of Lonekhine village group went round the villages on their motorbikes and protested against the military dictatorship.
Amidst tight security measures by the junta armed forces, Moegaung townspeople made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship.
On Wednesday evening, many prisoners from Myitgyina jail, including those with the charge of Section (505-a), were sent to the city hall in three lorries and they were released. It still needs to be confirmed to know exactly who was released.
Kayin State
On 28th June, a Telegram account user named Sergeant Pho Si shared a video purportedly about a Gen Z young man who had taken refuge in KNU territory. Actually, it was just a video about a drug gang in Venezuela killing a young man heartlessly, from news.com.au on 6th February 2008.
According to the KNU, the military junta has been strengthening their armed forces in the areas where KNU regiments (1), (3), (5) and (6) have been conducting guerrilla attacks.
Kayar State
In Mese Township, the military junta dismissed 78 staff members of basic education schools for joining the CDM.
Chin State
In Phalan, a large number of junta soldiers, with the help of mortars, entered a place where there were some members of the Chin National Defense Force CNDF on Tuesday morning. So, fighting took place there. According to Chin National Organization CNO, at least 20 junta soldiers died and many others were injured. As for CNDF, they lost four members with three injured.
During the crackdown on the anti-junta protest in Phalan on 28th February, Salai Kyaw San and Salai Lyar Zan were arrested. They were released at about 9:00 am Wednesday after 5 months of detention. As they had COVID-19 symptoms, they were sent to hospital. Salai Bwe Hlaing, who had been arrested together with them, has not been released yet.
At Bungzung police station in Haka Township, there was a fighting between CDF-Haka and the junta armed forces from 5:00 to 11:00 am Tuesday. According to the CDF, about 20 junta police and soldiers died. On their side, only one CDF member was injured.
In Haka, 41 prisoners; 33 men and 8 women, were released. Most of them had been charged with Section (505-a) and some had been arrested for joining the CDM. There are still 8 people in detention at the police station.
Mon State
Young residents of Mawlamyein made an indoors strike, holding anti-junta posters including “Fight for justice”.
Together with the caution about COVID-19 infection, the youth in Paung Township made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship.
Shan State
In Namphatka of Shan North, a junta soldier allegedly raped a 13-year-old nun. In a meeting between local residents and military personnel on 27th June, that soldier claimed that he had just held her hand and kissed her cheek. He has been detained in the army prison.
In Tachileik, the junta armed forces arrested U Aung Myint Oo, owner of Aung motorbike shop, and his worker Zaw Kant Naing on 28th June for importing GZ stickers from Thailand and selling them. Reportedly, they have been charged with Section (505-a).
People Defense Force Naung Cho announced that they would fight against the junta armed forces, informers and their relations in the township in various ways.
In Konegyaung village of Kyaington Township, a 29-year-old woman named Nan Pin Tic was robbed and killed with rope around her neck while she was alone at home. Reportedly, a motorbike and the mobile phone were stolen.
In Shan South, the junta army regiment (99) blocked off Mai Naung Kyae Thee Union road starting from 8:00 am Wednesday and did not allow the vehicles to pass through.
Rakhine State
U Kyaw Than Hlaing, former chair of Rakhine Social Organization (Japan), had been arrested at Yangon airport on 25th June. He was released on 29th June. He said to the media that he was released because General Tun Myat Naing, Commander-in-Chief of the AA, himself requested this of the peace team of the military junta.
Nay Pyi Taw
The junta Ministry of Information announced that the local press are not to use "Military Council/Military Junta/Junta” and if they do so, legal action will be taken against them. Moreover, the announcement said that the UN and other countries had already recognized the military junta as the government of Myanmar.
Global Witness published a report calling for the boycott against Myanmar jade as the profits of Myanmar Jade Enterprise worth of billions of dollars go to the funding of the military.
On 28th June, the military junta instructed to release other prisoners except for CDM staff members, former administrators and NLD members.
According to the social media post by Dr. Khin Khin Gyi, director of CDC, the military junta will buy 9 million of Sputnik vaccines produced in Russia. They are also in a negotiation process with China for COVID-19 vaccines.
Myanmar Diplomats’ Group against Military Coup was established with 11 Myanmar diplomats from the U.S and Switzerland embassies who have joined the CDM and refused to return to Myanmar.
According to U Tun Aung Kyaw, chair of NDF, the military junta arrested Commander Khin Kyaw from UNRA/NDF and comrade Ko Ko Naing on their way to discuss warfare matters with U Yi Mon, Minister of Defense - NUG.
General Yawd Serk, leader of RSAS/SSA, has sent a letter of resignation from his position as PPST chair. PPST comprises 10 ethnic armed organizations which have signed the NCA.
Summary on 30th June
In Yangon, there were still guerrilla protests as well as informer-clearance activities. There were a lot of people waiting in front of Insein jail due to the news that prisoners would be released.
In Mandalay, there were still public protests on the streets. The military junta continue to tighten security measures. The previous night, they fired ammunition as a threatening act in the townships where there were no public protests.
In Haka and Phalan of Chin State, there was fighting between local PDF/CDF and the junta armed forces. The military junta had a great loss there. As for the defense forces, they lost some members.
In other states and regions, there were still public protests. In Pha-Kant of Kachin State, some rallies could not be conducted due to the tight security measures of the junta armed forces. In some big towns, informer-clearance activities were carried out frequently. As for the military junta, they got information through junta-appointed administrators and made raids constantly.
To control the high rate of COVID-19 infection, the military junta has been preparing to buy medicines from Russia and China. The junta Information Department has been putting pressure on local-based foreign media after oppressing the local media. Due to international pressure, the military junta has arranged to release some prisoners including pro-military people who were sentenced or charged with various crimes during the tenure of the NLD government.